Susan Whitfield, Artist Statement

For the past 5 years, I’ve been on a creative journey with the camera.
Photography has taught me to view the world from a fresh perspective.
It has opened up exciting new worlds and possibilities in my life and
travels and takes me to a calm place within. Through my practice of
photography, I am more connected to places, people, and life.

I take a varied approach to my work and enjoy shooting a diverse
array of subjects. When I’m drawn toward a subject or scene,
something natural takes place in my work. On photography drives
and trips, random subjects pop up. When I’m pulled towards one,
I go for it. There is joy in this experience. I want to convey that joy.

I also have an ongoing body of series work. Specifically Texas
courthouses, flags, locks, and old movie theaters. I enjoy driving
around Texas and other places in search of images that revolve
around these concepts. I continue to build on these bodies of work.